Frequently Asked Questions

Can I view other user's profiles or is there a database of public images?
No, you can only view images if the owner provides you the URL.
What file types are supported?
Images of the file types JPG, GIF and PNG are supported.
What is the maximum file size?
Each file must be 10MB or smaller.
How long are images stored?
Images are stored for life time (see our terms of service).
Should I keep a backup of my images on my local machine?
Yes, you should always backup your files.
I registered for a free account. How many images can I store?
There are no limits (fair use).
The services provided are free. Does this mean they are of low quality?
We are the best service possible. We use high quality hardware on a high quality network.
I uploaded anonymously but I have lost my delete link:
Please send the deletion request, along with the link & the upload IP address, to dmca[at], if you do not have the upload IP address recorded, you will need to submit a proper takedown notice -
Can I inline link (hotlink) the original images I uploaded?
Yes, but please use the provided "full size" share codes only. Other URLs may change in the future.
Are there bandwidth limitations for inline linking (hotlinking)?
There is no hard limit. Abusive referrers will be blocked.
Why are my thumbnail previews square?
Thumbnails on your "My Images" and "My Galleries" pages are displayed as squares to preserve the layout.
Where can I get personal help?
If you need further assistance, please send an email to support[at] and our Technical team will do everything possible to resolve the issue.